About My NH Ergonomic Assessment Services

NH physical therapist Roxanne Meldrum demonstrates her work as part of NH ergonomic assessment services

Before I owned my own clinic, I often told patients that if I could follow them around at home and at work I could more easily see how their day-to-day activities were impacting their pain and discomfort. With ergonomic assessment services, I can do just that.


Are you struggling to keep up with household tasks like laundry, mopping or dishes without pain?


Does your neck or back ache every time you get up from your home office workstation?


Do you get leg or sciatic pain every time you drive?

No one should have to struggle with daily pain

With NH ergonomic assessment services, you can learn how your daily life impacts your movement and mobility. We’ll identify trigger points in your daily schedule and environment, and teach you the functional movement and body mechanics knowledge you need to move – and feel – better.

Are Ergonomic Assessment Services Right for You?

Learn more about PT Health Academy’s at-home ergonomic assessments to see how you could benefit.

Can an ergonomic assessment help reduce chronic pain?

It’s possible! While many of my patients come to PT Health Academy because of an acute injury, that injury is often exacerbated by their daily movements and environment. An at-home ergonomics assessment can help identify how your daily life may be affecting your pain. We can explore everything from how you lift a heavy laundry basket or push a lawnmower to how you sit in your home office, so you can identify your personal pain triggers.

Does an ergonomic assessment replace physical therapy services?

Ergonomics and physical therapy are two separate – but related – services. Some patients may be able to see significant improvement in their daily pain and start feeling better after a home ergonomic assessment and corrective exercises. But for most patients, the assessment is simply one part of their overall PT care.

Do I need a referral or insurance coverage for ergonomic assessment services?

Nope! PT Health Academy offers ergonomic assessment services and physical therapy without referral. No need to spend weeks calling your doctor or insurance company. Just give us a call to talk about the pain you’re experiencing and we’ll help you determine the care plan that’s right for you.

Are you ready to feel and move better in your daily life? Contact PT Health Academy to schedule your at-home ergonomic assessment today.