Physical Therapy Workshops

You want to support their health. PT Health Academy can help.

PT Health Academy’s physical therapy workshops are designed for employers, insurance companies and other wellness professionals to tap into the preventative power of physical therapy.

Add orthopedic injury prevention and functional fitness insight to your wellness programming with a workshop hosted by PT Health Academy.

Explore Physical Therapy Workshops in New Hampshire

From managing chronic back pain to overcoming and preventing knee injuries, my physical therapy workshops provide key health information to help attendees feel better and move more.

physical therapy workshops graphic 1

Lecture & lab formats available

small group graphic for physical therapy workshops

Small group, personalized coaching

a clock graphic to represent physical therapy workshops

Typically 1 to 1.5 hours in length

Physical therapy workshops online, in person or hybrid

Online, in-person or hybrid

handouts from physical therapy workshops

Handouts provided to attendees

A graphic of someone swimming at physical therapy workshops

Land & pool options available

Get To Know Your Workshop Host

PT Health Academy - physical therapy - Roxanne Meldrum

Hi, I’m Roxanne Meldrum – an Amherst, NH physical therapist with a passion for helping busy people live more active lives.

I have years of experience as a physical therapist working to address a wide variety of orthopedic injuries in patients of all ages. I started PT Health Academy to offer a novel approach to care, emphasizing patient education in proper body mechanics to prevent common injuries.

I believe the power of physical therapy comes not only from hands-on patient services, but from giving individuals the knowledge they need to take better care of themselves. I’m committed to helping more people stay active, move more and feel better.

PT Health Academy’s Workshop Topics

Explore some of my popular physical therapy workshops to find the workshop that’s right for your audience. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Ask me about custom workshop topics!

Resolving Low Back Pain: A Novel Approach

Is low back pain keeping you from sitting, bending, sleeping, or enjoying life? Learn:

  • Misconceptions about low back pain that lead you to suffer needlessly
  • 6 strategies to ease your symptoms and prevent painful triggers
  • How to sleep, sit,  and reach/lift without low back pain hrough active demonstration
back pain is addressed in physical therapy workshops

Core Exercises to Prevent Back Pain

  • Building strength using the RIGHT exercises will improve the resilience and work capacity of your back!
  • This lecture and lab format class will simplify a complicated genre of “core exercise”, teach critical  do’s and don’ts, and perfect participants form to build a healthy core safely.
  • This class begins with the basics and progresses through higher level options focusing on  functional strength to stay active and pain free!
NH physical therapist Roxanne Meldrum demonstrates a hamstring stretch and core exercise during NH physical therapy workshops

Build a Better Knee: Chapter 1

Learn tips and techniques to help your knees move and fell better including:

  • How to create a healthy environment for your knees
  • When to use external support (brace/tape/cane, etc.)
  • How to manage and prevent painful flare ups
knee pain is demonstrated during physical therapy workshops

Build a Better Knee: Chapter 2

  • Exercise prescription appropriate for anyone with knee pain!
  • Once you’ve mastered the principles in Chapter 1, you can now progress to a great movement program creating the best environment for your knees!
  • Chapter 1 attendance helpful but not mandatory.
nh physical therapist Roxanne Meldrum works on knee exercises with participants at NH physical therapy workshops

Easing and Preventing Shoulder Pain

Topics in this lecture/lab format workshop include:

  • Postural impacts on shoulder health
  • Why and how to keep your neck happier if you have shoulder pain
  • The best rotator cuff exercises don’t target the rotator cuff
  • Exercises for shoulders with issues
shoulder pain is addressed in physical therapy workshops

Improve Your Posture, Improve Your Health

Good posture protects your joints and lungs and helps you look and feel better. In this workshop, you’ll learn why we tend to slouch and how to correct it with exercise and ergonomic tips.

This lab format class will have you stretching and strengthening your way to a great upright alignment!


NH physical therapist Roxanne Meldrum showcases proper posture during NH physical therapy workshops

Combat the Negative Effects of Sitting

Workshop participants will learn:

  • The negative effects of sitting and how to avoid them
  • Best ergonomics and schedule for sitting and standing
  • Exercises for work, home and gym to undo the most common deficits caused by sitting.


A man uses a standing desk after learning about the benefits at physical therapy workshops

Ready to host your own NH physical therapy workshops? Contact PT Health Academy to get started or design a custom workshop.